Saturday, January 8, 2011

gypsy rose lee

The Latest News About: The Untalented Gypsy Rose Lee, orn in Seattle as Rose Louise Hovick to a teenage mother fresh out of a convent, Louise (as she was then called) got an early start in show business, appearing alongside her younger sister June as a vaudeville act. It was soon evident that “Baby June” was the more naturally talented performer of the two, and Louise was from a young age relegated to the background while June, even before she could speak, was pushed into the limelight. It soon became clear that Lee was a world-class entertainer who just happened to be working in burlesque. In Broadway revues, and later one-woman shows, she tugged at garters and showed a line of leg bent at the knee, or crossed her silk-stockinged limbs and cocked her head in statuesque poses


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